April 18, 2022 2022-06-17 11:26Chairman

Dr. M Ayyappan
About Chairman
Dr. M. Ayyappan graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the College of Engineering Trivandrum, holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from Cochin University of Science and Technology, and has a Doctorate in Management (Social Marketing) from the University of Kerala
Dr. M. Ayyappan ranks among those who transformed the organization they headed — HLL Lifecare Limited (HLL), a contraceptive-making Central Public Sector Enterprise, with his administrative acumen, futuristic vision, brilliant manufacturing & marketing strategies, and unwavering commitment. He was the Chairman and Managing Director of HLL Lifecare Limited for 13 years.
The growth of HLL from Rs. 141 crores turnover, when it was no more than a factory, manufacturing one product, Nirodh — a popular condom. In May 2016, when he retired, it had already become a Rs 1600 Crore behemoth, with seven group companies, eight state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, 22 regional offices across India & products exported to 115 countries worldwide. Amongst his other visionary achievements were the development of Hospitals, Vaccine Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Management Academy, etc. This is an unimpeachable proof of Dr. Ayyappan’s leadership and ability to build great and sustainable institutions of rapid growth
Dr. Ayyappan, the former Chairman of HLL Ltd, is a fellow of the All India Management Association (AIMA) and has a deep passion for research and teaching. He is a mentor and teacher to budding managers, academics, and corporates. With a doctorate in Social Marketing from the University of Kerala, he has been the Chairman / Member, of the Boards of several companies and institutions.